Anav: Lord with a kind heart

Lord Ganesha is widely worshipped as the bestower of boons and remover of obstacles. Hence he is known to be very kind and generous and it is for this reason that his blessings are sought before commencing any function or auspicious gathering. In this blackstone sculpture, the sculptor carved the Lord in e\xquisite detail to highlight and bring out the grandeur of His Almighty. Besides being an amazing addition to your artifact collection, the idol of the Lord will keep your house protected and blessed.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimensions: 24"x18"x10".
Culture: India.
Medium: Blackstone.
Suggested Placement: In your living room.
Weight: 45kgs.
Product Code: acskbslgsp-13.

Category: Blackstone

Type: Sculpture

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